If You Have Been Injured in an Accident by an 18-Wheeler, a Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help

The number of vehicular crashes each year involving 18-wheeler trucks is on the rise. These enormous semi-trucks can weigh up to 40 tons. Compare that to the average passenger vehicle, which weighs just over two tons, and it’s easy to see why truck accidents have the potential to cause catastrophic personal injury.

There are many possible contributing factors to an 18-wheeler accident, including driver error or fatigue, a vehicle defect, safety violations, or improperly secured cargo. A tractor-trailer injury attorney can help determine the contributing factors and who is at-fault in an accident.

If you are in the Denver and Aurora, Colorado areas and have been injured in an 18-wheeler accident, you need to understand your rights. Your first course of action should be to contact a truck accident attorney in Denver that can help you sort through the complexity of a commercial trucking accident claim to be compensated for the suffering you’ve experienced.

How is a semi-truck accident different than a car accident?

You may be surprised to learn that legal proceedings and claims for semi-truck accidents are much different than for car accidents. Commercial trucking is a heavily-regulated industry and under strict federal and state laws–often hundreds more laws than for a typical passenger vehicle. These laws include truck maintenance, special driver licensing and qualifications, logbooks, and driver fatigue regulations. For this reason, commercial truck accidents are not only much more complex than a passenger vehicle accident, but there is much higher potential for greater compensation as the result of an accident with injury.

Know what’s at stake

With the risk of greater property damage and personal injury comes a proportionate amount of compensation in the case of negligence on the part of the trucking company. Because of the complex regulations in the trucking industry, companies must carry high-value insurance policies to cover medical bills and accident claims. For this reason, trucking companies often hire insurance adjusters who are highly skilled at avoiding liability and reducing the amount of insurance money paid out to victims of an accident. A common practice of these companies is to offer what appears to be a large sum of money at the outset of a claim in hopes that the victim accepts and doesn’t pursue legal action.

Accident victims all over the Colorado area have realized too late that they accepted far less than they needed to cover lost wages and the repercussions of long-term injury. A commercial trucking accident attorney in Denver knows how to deflect the tactics used by insurance companies to avoid minimal payouts to victims.

Consult an experienced semi-truck accident attorney

Don’t be a victim twice. The attorneys at AGG law firm don’t let the insurance companies minimize your injuries to maximize their profits. At AGG law firm we fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Insurance companies will protect the interest of their clients–not the accident victim. A qualified Denver truck accident attorney will fight to secure the compensation you deserve to regain your quality of life. They know the tactics used by insurance adjusters and how overly-complex trucking insurance policies work. They are also familiar with the hundreds of regulations that truck drivers and trucking companies must follow to avoid liability and can recognize when a company is at-fault because of their negligence or the negligence of their driver.

In many cases, there are multiple lines of insurance coverage for each trucking company, further complicating claims and legal proceedings and protecting the assets of the trucking company. A truck accident attorney will expertly file the appropriate paperwork with each line of insurance, successfully avoiding potential loopholes and delays in payment.

Your attorney will carefully check driving records, training documentation, inspection documents, driver certifications, and other regulatory sources for potential negligence to support your case. In the midst of the injury and chaos following an accident, you shouldn’t be responsible for tracking down documents from multiple agencies. An experienced personal injury lawyer will take care of the tedious administrative work of your case so that you can focus on your recovery.

Don’t delay in contacting the experienced attorneys at the Law Offices of Alhasoon, Glidden and Glidden — there is a strict statute of limitations for filing claims and pursuing legal action. If you miss the window of opportunity, you will not get a second chance. Contact our truck accident attorneys today at (720) 487-1050 for the help you deserve.